Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Beginner's Guide To Google Analytics - Why You Should Have It On Your Website

Google Analytics, formerly called Urchin, is a free service offered by Google that lets website proprietors to track information on virtually every facet of their website. To subscribe up, travel to travel to Google and acquire a free account. You will be provided a little JavaScript codification that you put on the pages you would wish to track. Once this codification is unrecorded on your site, Google will get assemblage information on the visitants to your website.

Types of Information Tracked by Google Analytics

The Splashboard in Google Analytics supplies a concise overview of your website statistics. Using a configurable day of the month range, you can see graphical records screening the figure of land land land site visitors, pages per visit, bounciness rate, figure of pages viewed, the norm clip they spent on your site and the per centum that are new visitors.

Also included on the Splashboard is a convenient map sheathing showing the states where your site visitants arise from. A pie chart shows the dislocation per centum of how many visitants came from hunt engines, how many were from referring land sites and how many entered your land site by directly typing your website computer address into their browser. The concluding Splashboard constituent is the content overview which demoes the website pages with the peak figure of pageviews.

The Money is in the Details

The Splashboard gives a little overview of your website statistics, but where the existent gold nuggets lie is in the information accessed from the left navigation. It is broken down by Visitors, Traffic Sources, Content and Goals.

Visitors Tab

The Visitors Overview check includes information similar to the Dashboard, but with more than detail. It gives the adjustable day of the month scope line chart of your website traffic, and also information on alone visitors, entire pageviews, norm pageviews, clip spent on your website, bounciness charge per unit and new visits.

The Visitor Cleavage options delve into the inside information associated with each visitor, allowing you to see visitant languages, web locations and user defined options. Also available is browser information such as as browser type, operating system used, silver silver screen colour depth, screen resolution, and whether or not the visitants have got Java or Flash support enabled on their browsers. This information is critical in determining how your land land site is designed and what engineerings are used in the site.

The residual of the Overview page is dedicated to a technical profile of the visitor's browser type and connexion speed. You can see if your visitants are still using slow dialup connexions and set your land site designing accordingly.

The other left pilotage tabs, titled Map Overlay, New vs. Returning, Languages, Visitor Trending, Visitor Loyalty, Browser Capabilities, Network Properties and User Defined delve into the information presented in the Visitors Overview more thoroughly, giving ocular and graphical word pictures of website traffic. The amount of information presented is somewhat overwhelming, but it lets you to mulct melody your land land site to maximise the user experience.

Traffic Sources Tab

The Traffic Sources check nowadays information based on how your site visitants establish your website. The hierarchical menu options include Overview, Direct Traffic, Referring Sites, Search Engines, All Traffic Sources, Keywords, AdWords, Campaigns and Ad Versions.

The Overview check again shows a summary of the traffic beginning data, with the familiar line graphical record of traffic amount and a dislocation of the direct vs. referring vs. hunt engine traffic. The page reasons with a show of the top five traffic beginnings and the top five keywords bringing traffic into your land land site via hunt engines.

Each of the submenus interruptions down the traffic beginning information ever further, and the AdWords check lets you to track any AdWords political campaigns your current have got on your site, showing your end transition rates and AdWords click-throughs. The information ciphers an impressive amount of AdWords data, including cost, chink through rate, cost per click, gross per click, tax return on investing and margin.

Content Tab

The Content check on the left pilotage bill of fare again have an Overview page screening a elaborate summary of the traffic forms including the pages with the top content (based on figure of pageviews), a pilotage analysis screening how visitants establish your content, landing page optimisation information and a very nice land site sheathing which lets you to see your page and see which associates are chink the most frequently. This information is of import for adjusting arrangement of paid advertisements and how visitants path through your site.

The other submenus for the Content check include Top Content, Content by Title, Content Drilldown, Top Landing Pages, Top Exit Pages and Site Overlay. Each class additional interruptions down the information presented in the Overview page.

Goals Tab

The Goals check is used to put specific use measurings for your website and customize your information for specific selling goals. Goals can be used to track funneled traffic through your site, by setting specific page URL's and how you desire to track the way the visitant takes to acquire to that page. By analyzing the consequences of your goals, you can mulct melody your land land site design, navigation, PPC advertising, online e-commerce, and many other facets of your site to maximise profitability.


Google Analytics is an easy to configure statistics tool that supplies an tremendous amount of visitant information. The fact that it is a free service do it even more than appealing. By including the little snipping of JavaScript codification on your webpages, you can analyse almost any facet of the user experience and do accommodations to your pages to maximise your return. Even little website proprietors can profit from knowing who is visiting their land site and how they got there. Easy setup, thorough statistics and zero cost do Google Analytics a must-have addition to any website proprietor or designer's toolbox.


Ayush said...

I have been looking to start with some tool on my site.
I have come across many, not sire what to go for. I know Google, but one of my colleague has been telling me the complexity of the reporting of Google and how it might not be a good idea to be starter and using Google.
He has recommended to try out , ther are supposed to be simple and easier to use.
Any suggestions?

d said...

This is taken from....